Thursday, June 18, 2009

Grand Convention Prep

With Grand Convention less than a week away, I am really starting to get excited. I have to admit that at least a little of my excitement is getting out of the office for a few days. But mostly I'm excited to finally attend my first Grand Convention more than ten years since my Initiation.

In addition to all of the "warm fuzzies" that Grand Convention fosters, it serves as the official gathering of our organization for elections and sorority business. This year, we have a number of
Bylaw Amendments and Resolutions to vote on. Convention delegates will also be electing Grand Council for the 2009-2011 Biennium. Most of the nominees to Grand Council are incumbents running unopposed. However, the office of International President of Alumnae Membership has two candidates. Both women bring incredible experience and dedication to the office: experience as a Collegiate Province Directors, participation on ADPi committees, terms on chapter advisory boards, experience on house corporation boards, continued involvement with local alumnae associations, volunteering, and both received the Dorothy Shaw Leadership Award. Delegates, if you haven't had the opportunity to do so yet, you should review the nominee profiles and plan to "Meet the Candidates" during the session on Thursday evening.

On behalf of all of the sisters posting from Orlando, we hope you enjoy following along with our Grand Convention experiences!

Sarah, Greater Washington DC Alumnae Association